South Alive are doing FANTASTIC work renovating South Invercargill! The Invercargill Vegan Society is thrilled to join in South Alive, and to have a community garden plot of our very own!
The South Alive Community Gardens are located right behind Bin Inn bulk foods, on Grace Street.
South Alive project co-ordinator Janette Malcolm explains:
“The gardens are part of the South Alive community park. The idea for the park and gardens came after we ran discussion groups with various groups in the community and they said they wanted places to meet and sit, and lots more colour. We started the gardens in the autumn last year. We got the bins made locally, then we had working bees to paint them – with all the
paint donated by Resene. Then we carted them to the section and filled them with a mix of dirt and compost – which we also had to cart. It was a huge process to fill all the bins. Then we planted them.
They are sitting on a hard packed surface, which was prepared for us by South Roads as part of the overall ground surfacing of the park. So far, about a third of the bins have been adopted – in addition to yours, there are 3 kindergartens and one young achievers group. We’d love for more groups to adopt bins – perhaps elderly groups, or other organisations in the community.”
South City mall, “South Alive” office by South Alive Community Gardens
Next time you are in South City, come and visit our garden! The South Alive office and community garden are right behind vegan friendly Bin Inn :-)
Initially, we planted out the Invercargill Vegan Society garden plot with strawberries :-)
Our Invercargill Vegan Society garden is right beside the community toolshed :-)
In July 2014, we removed the strawberries and gave them to friends, to replant in home gardens.

As of July 2014, it has Kale in a V formation. We thought we’d be good stereotypical vegans! :-) Primrose flowers added for colour.

Every time we visit the community garden, we make new friends. Here Jen is with Mike, a slaughterhouse worker who is a passionate gardener. We share green thumbs in common!
Mike was wonderfully compassionate to the many worms and other insects in our garden. Any he saw, he carefully poked back down beneath the rich compost soil. “I don’t want to hurt any insects, not even a spider!” As animal activist vegans, we agreed that animals rock! :-)
The Kale will soon form a strong, lush green V :-)
October 2014
December 2014, overgrown and gone to seed! We trimmed the seed heads down, to a similar size as before :-)
We often ride our bicycles to the South Alive Community Garden, for INVSOC gardening bees. Jen’s has an electric conversion, an electric motor mounted in the front wheel. The battery pack is mounted under her seat.
And as for Jordan’s bike? Err, it boasts an equally impressive INVSOC sticker :-)
Garden plots have signs showing which community groups have adopted them. South Alive marked gardens are free for anyone to plant or harvest vegetables/fruit.
Quite an interesting idea for fencing, to grow further plants! :-)
Next time you shop in South City, be sure to visit the Invercargill Vegan Society plot at the South Alive community garden :-)